Using the QuitCoach involves just 2 easy steps:
- Answering questions and receiving advice
- Visiting regularly
1. Answering Questions
The QuitCoach asks questions and uses your answers to give you advice that suits your situation.
There are two sets of questions.
The first set of questions is mostly about your plans to quit, and past experience with quitting.
- These questions take 5-10 minutes to answer depending on your situation (any questions that are not relevant to you are skipped).
- The first time you visit, there are also several questions about your social and living situation and your health, because these can affect your quitting.
The second set of questions is about the costs and benefits of smoking.
- These questions take only 2-4 minutes to answer.
- This set includes questions about the balance between the costs of smoking and the benefits you believe you get, identifying obstacles to quitting successfully, and your reasons for quitting.
Both sets of questions are important so try to answer both.
If you only finish the first set, you will still be able to get useful advice from the QuitCoach.
2. Visiting Regularly
The QuitCoach works best if you join and visit regularly.
On your next visit, you will be asked more questions. Often these will be very different to the questions you answered last time. Your answers are used, together with your previous answers, to give you new advice that takes into account any changes you have made.
It is good to visit and review your situation when things change, such as when you make a decision to quit. You also get email prompts to let you know when it might be a good time to visit.
You can find out more about how the QuitCoach helps you and read the evidence that shows the QuitCoach works.